Sunday, May 22, 2011

LEMURIAN Alphabet | letter - Number - Term

LEMURIAN letter is the letter that was first used and became the forerunners of the letters we use today, ranging from Latin letters, Arabic, and so forth. Letter LEMURIAN not ordinary letters. The letter is in line with the rise and fall of waves of human thoughts and Code Gen. Basically, the entire human body moves from right to left. Even the human brain. However, it was later modified and reversed by a social system built by the ATLANTIS.

About LEMURIAN The - Land of MU

LEMURIAN is the first Race(classification of humans) was developed by ADHAMA as "role models" other nations. A typical race LEMURIAN is humble, often succumbing, high-level statement, hardworking, like to think and is the inventor as well nation has a incredible advanced technology. This nation has the ability to average 40% of real human capabilities.